In case you’ve forgotten,
you were built for bliss.

Not to get all weird and spooky with it, but…

A series of dark, rotten spells have been cast over woman-kind.

Highly stressful, noxious spells that have left too many Feminine beings depleted, overwhelmed, and run ragged.

Over-scheduled, under-resourced, and taking on too much.

Aching for some much-needed relief and relaxation…

But finding it difficult to access, impossible to ask for, or perhaps worse?

Even when faced with an opportunity for rest and replenishment…

It’s almost impossible to fully let go and enjoy your down time.

I know all too well what it feels like, to be simultaneously so tired

But also equal parts jacked up, and unable to unwind.

And to have no clue what the frickin-frack to do about it?

Babe, look no further. Dark spells be broken!

June 1st + 2nd // 11am-2pm PST



What would it be like if you could…

  • Feel replenished and rejuvenated far more than you feel worn out or tired. 

  • Effortlessly shift gears from productivity and “get it done” mode, into easeful relaxation and “let it go” mode.

  • Set boundaries without anxiously second-guessing yourself because you are unapologetic in prioritizing your peace and well-being. 

  • Leave work “at the office”, and enthusiastically enjoy your down time, having more than enough energy for the people and things that are most important to you. 

  • Stop the endless mind chatter that has you running through your to-do list, drafting email responses, and replaying conversations in your head, so you can actually be present for fun and enjoyment in your life.

  • Choose rest and pleasure free from guilt or fear, not because you’ve “earned it”, but simply because it’s there, and it feels really good to take care of yourself. 

  • Take the pressure off of yourself to have all the answers right now, to solve every single last, problem, and take care of everyone else —because all of that is way too much for one person!

  • Design your life around what is most beneficial to your vitality and bliss, because self-sacrifice and settling for less no longer have influence in your world. 

What’s included in your full registration:

SATURDAY 6/1 @ 11am-2pm EST
Day 1 is devoted to illuminating the “4 Dark Spells” that contribute to chronic stress, overwhelm, and burnout for Feminine beings.

SUNDAY 6/2 @ 11am-2pm EST
On Day 2 you’ll be introduced to the spell-breaking antidotes that place you back in your rightful position of freedom, choice, and profound possibility in your life.

FRIDAY 6/7 @ 12:30pm-2pm EST
On this Q&A Call you’ll have wide open space to ask questions, share breakthroughs, and receive coaching on how you can thoroughly banish burnout from your life.

Who is this experience for?

Banishing Burnout is for anyone who desires a life that is drenched in freedom and flow…

Versus waking up each day, stifled by the suffocating grip of resistance and resentment.

If you’re ready to exercise your agency and sovereignty over who and what gets your energy, attention, and focus?

If you don’t want to look back on this chapter of your life wishing you had had the courage to make the changes you know you need to make…

To take better care of yourself, to protect your peace, to prioritize what (and who) is most sacred and important to you…

And you want to reclaim the throne of your existence, allowing your needs and desires to take up way more space in your world…

Then come to Banishing Burnout.

You’ll get to see and actively dismantle what’s getting in the way of all of the above.

And arrive in a softer, calmer, far more satisfying reality. 



Register exclusively for Day 1 of the Banishing Burnout experience, and attend the live call on Saturday 6/1, 11am-2pm EST.

  • DAY 1 | Saturday 6/1, 11am-2pm EST

  • Access the call replay for 14 days after call completion.


Become a member of Living&Breathing and attend both days of Banishing Burnout, as well as the Q+A Integration Call the following week.

  • DAY 1 | Saturday 6/1, 11am-2pm EST

  • DAY 2 | Sunday 6/2, 11am-2pm EST

  • Q&A Integration Call | Friday 6/7, 12:30pm EST

  • Unlimited, ongoing access to all replays.

  • Living&Breathing content archives as well as new, inspired live teachings and videos.

  • Be added to Amy’s “Close Friends” Instagram for exclusive story content.

    >>> Please note there is a 3 month minimum commitment to join Living&Breathing. Click here to learn more.