4 Signs You're in the Midst of a Feminine Awakening

Ah yes, the Feminine.

The awe-inspiring, generative life-force energy that pulses through all living things.

The sacred destructress who governs nature, the cosmos, birth, death — all of life as we know it…

The Great Mother. The Goddess. Creatrix. She is sensual, cyclical, and wildly powerful.

And yet, the Feminine has been suppressed, denied, and demonized for thousands of years.

Because according to our Patriarchal systems, she is not to be trusted.

Masculine values are prioritized and valued, leaving life as we know it entirely unbalanced and outta whack.

So even though the Feminine is alive, in everyone and everything?

She’s been forgotten. Dismissed. Buried.

But…she’s waking up now…

Have you noticed?

Over the past five years especially, there’s been a massive Feminine awakening both on a collective and individual level.

The seemingly slumbering volcano of raw Feminine power is now rumbling, coming online at full-volume, ready to erupt and retrieve her rightful place on the co-throne of Divine Union.

Which is wildly exciting! And also?

Very wtf-worthy.

Because if you don’t know what’s happening, or don’t have any context or understanding for what (and who) “the Feminine” is…how this energy moves and undulates…what a Feminine awakening actually looks like or feels like?

Then yeah, this rumble-eruption will leave you feeling entirely untethered. (Or even terrified.)

I want to share a few key signs and clues for anyone who might be in the midst of their own Feminine awakening, so you can know that what you’re going through is not by accident, you’re not broken, and life isn’t trying to screw you over.

You’re just part of a larger, necessary, collective awakening that’s occurring.

Congratulations, and welcome to the club.

Here are 4 signs and signals you’re in the midst of

YOUR Feminine awakening:

1. You are feeling disillusioned towards the life you thought you wanted…and wondering where the hell to go from here.

Few things in life are more disorienting (or heartbreaking, honestly) than arriving at an intended, proverbial destination and realizing, "Oh shit...this isn't it."

When you finally reach that big goal:

You’re awarded the degree after years of academic toil.

You snag the prized promotion!

You get into the seemingly perfect relationship, and are so prepared to ride off into your sunset of happily ever after…



Oh no, oh no, oh no.

It doesn’t feel how you thought it would feel…

And your goal-slaying arrival suddenly stings exponentially, because your reality is not even remotely meeting your expectations, and you just spent so much time, energy, and effort to get here. Shouldn’t you be happier? More fulfilled? At peace, or something?! Wtf?!

I hate this place, truly. Where we realize that the finish-lines or shiny achievements we’ve been taught to chase after aren’t always the dreamy fix-all’s we imagined them to be.

Because within a Patriarchal system, we learn to seek out power, value, and worth outside of ourselves.

To strive, achieve, and earn all this delicious stuff we’re told will make us happy and whole, so we can finally relax and feel like we’re good enough.

It’s this relentless chase and thirsty pursuit that has so many women feeling exhausted and stressed, continuously keeping up with the relentless uphill climb through life, while their Feminine essence and authentic nature withers and wilts in the background.

Please believe me when I tell you that I understand (and intimately know) the pain of waking up and realizing you were chasing after the wrong thing.

Or having to come to terms with the fact that you got plugged into someone else’s path, doing what you thought you were “supposed to do”, even if it meant neglecting your own knowing and abandoning yourself in the process.

It’s a unique, humbling, often excruciating spot to be in.

The good news is that this season of disillusionment and discomfort gets to serve as an invitation back to your Feminine power.

It’s a chance to come back into alignment with your inner knowing and unique path, which likely isn’t meant to look like everyone else’s.

It’s an opportunity to cultivate faith and trust in the larger, Universal orchestration of life, and say “yes” to a deeper calling.

You’re standing at the precipice of the Heroine’s Journey, where the naive innocence of “the good girl” (the part of us that thinks just doing what she’s told and conforming to societal standards are the keys to happiness and success) must evolve into the mature Feminine woman.

The one who is filled with courageous magic. Unshakeable inner safety. She’s willing to take life daringly into her own hands, answer the call of her own divine intelligence, and design life on her terms.

While daunting, this is also such a relief, right? To know there’s a different, more you way to live.

2. You're craving a slow-down, desiring more spaciousness, and feeling a pull to turn inward and retreat from the world.

News flash: Patriarchal culture moves at a chafing warp-speed.

It demands your time, your energy, your attention, your effort, your blood, sweat, and tears, your hustle and your grind — give it over! Work harder! Push and pull through, dammit!

Oof, the exhaustion.

The cycles of burnout.

The promise of “eventually” getting to rest…(that never seems to fully arrive?)

When we cannot keep up with this demanding, hyper-Masculine pace, or things don’t seem to be moving fast enough towards what we’re striving for, we’re left feeling like we’re behind, so we try to just work harder…faster…better…

Or sometimes, it feels like you’ve been swept up in a riptide, and you can’t slow things down despite your best efforts.

There are too many expectations and obligations on you, your energy, and your time.

Too many things on the calendar.

Too many people, needing too many things from you. Little-to-no breathing room. You’re right, tired, and daily life feels more or less like a straitjacket.

While moving at this tiring, exhaustive, Patriarchal pace…sometimes the Feminine speaks to us…in a slow, gentle, barely-there whisper…

She meets us in between moments of go-go-go, rush-rush-rush, and reminds us that, well, we are living, breathing, heart-beating creatures. We require nourishment. Rest. Relaxation. Ease. Pleasure…

“But who has time for any of that?!” We frantically wail.

If you can feel the pull towards a “pause”…if you’re craving a soft, quiet, sanctuary…if you can sense that there are some inner whispers you’ve been avoiding or ignoring…

That’s the Feminine, sweet one.

She’s calling you back to your true nature, so you can right your relationship with time, space, and life as you know it.

She wants to pull you from the riptide, relieve you of the rush, and remind you that life doesn’t need to feel like a hurried race to the finish.

You have choices. And slowing down might be one of them.

As a Feminine-essenced being, I promise you the push-rush-hustle will only get you so far.

The slowness, softeness, and spacious of the Feminine is far more powerful than we realize.

But we have to give ourselves permission to move in her direction, and relieve ourselves of the pressure of “keeping up”, in order to trust her call.

3. You've hit a breaking point where you know you can't keep doing things the way you've been doing them, but haven't figured out your "new way" yet.

Sometimes we are already living “on purpose”, feeling fulfilled and mostly okay with our lives…but then we hit a wall of some sort.

It’s not like everything sucks…but damn, there’s this feeling that things could just be better? Smoother? Easier? More…something?

You’re kinda bored? Or uninspired? Or just feeling flat and empty, as you move through your days?

Ah yes — get excited.

You’re being invited towards an epic, Feminine-centered tune-up.

Where you’re ready to go from “good” to “way more great”. (And you get to give way fewer fucks in the process of getting there.)

I find that for many growth-focused individuals, who are highly self-aware and have been consciously walking their unique path, the Feminine isn’t always asking for you to burn down your life or change every damn thing.

Sometimes she just wants you to remember and know that it can always get better.

The Feminine is endlessly expansive, ever-deepening, and always increasing in her capacity for magic and miracle.

The places where we feel like we’ve hit a ceiling? Where life is good, but we know there’s more?

Those are the places where you’re actually getting to break up with all your limitations around how good things can actually get.

Buckle up beauty — cause this is just the beginning.

4. You feel a mysterious pull towards SOMETHING ELSE...and you're not even sure what that something else is...?

Ah yes, the mysterious pull. The nagging sense that something is missing…but you’re not sure what.

Most of the time what’s missing is the truest, most turned-on, alive version of you.

What’s missing is a remembrance of your sacred Soul path.

That you are not merely this finite, mortal version of self.

You didn’t come to this planet just to get a job and pay bills and check a bunch o’ boxes and die, for gosh sakes.

You came here for a deeper, richer purpose that serves the evolution of your Soul, and the collective.

That “something else” is a remembrance of your magic. Your divine path. This lifetime. Past lifetimes. Future lifetimes.

The eternal, cosmic you.

There’s a good chance that you (and your power) are sooo much bigger than you may realize.

Even reading this, there might be a feeling of, “Who me? Wait…what? Huh?”

Yes! You! The most authentic, unbridled, exquisite, empowered, and exalted you.

The pull towards this mysterious “something else” can take you places that conscious, finite, human you can’t possible imagine.

The question is…are you willing to be a YES for all of that?

The choice is always yours; just know she’s here.

The Feminine’s glorious door is wide open to you.

She doesn’t mind waiting. She’s endlessly patient, and joyously ready to welcome you.


If this post really resonates with you, and you have the feeling that yes, you are in the midst of your own Feminine awakening (hot damn! YAY!) please know that you are not alone.

And my new membership — UNDONE — provides a framework for navigating that beautiful, messy, liberating process.

You can receive support and guidance, while walking alongside other incredible women who are navigating this same sacred path.

>>> click here to learn more about undone <<<


And if you’d like to to explore enrollment?

here is the link to submit an application.


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