“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

— Anais Nin —

We all know what halfway living feels like.

You’re on your way home, stopped at an intersection, waiting for the light to turn green…

When you quickly decide to take yourself on a little detour.

It’s nothing major; just grabbing a quick chai at your favorite cafe, or popping into a bookstore to browse through the new paperback fiction titles…a quick stop-over at a local park where you’ll just sit in your car and scroll on your phone, or call a friend to check in about nothing…

You just need…

You need a little more time. 

You don’t want to go home just yet.

Not because there’s anything terrible at home.

It’s just that…

Well, the space.

That’s what you don’t want to be with.

Once you’re home, in the quiet reprieve of your own four walls, in the place that’s supposed to feel like sanctuary and relaxation but honestly, doesn’t these days…

It’s in those moments of open space, or unplanned stillness, where there’s a sliver of silence to pause and reflect, that you become keenly aware of your own restlessness.

Something isn’t working.

Something needs to change.

That harmless little detour for a cup of chai, or a book of poetry, or just calling your friend to chat about nothing while you put off going home and being faced with your own itchy discomfort…

It’s fine, it’s not hurting anyone…

But it’s a sign of something, isn’t it?

You’re avoiding something…aren’t you?

Maybe this is a good moment to introduce myself…

Hello, Beauty! I’m Amy.

And historically, I’ve been a chronic, masterful avoid-er.

For most of my life, I would wait for things to get to what I call “Level 10 Terrible” before I would actually move in the direction I knew I was being asked to move in.

My life needed to change.

I, myself, needed to change.

But I would avoid it like the plague.

This typically looked like:

  • Over-staying in doomed-to-fail, misaligned relationships instead of admitting that we ultimately weren’t a match, and freeing each of us up to move on.

  • Overworking and exhausting myself to the point of burnout, instead of learning how to set better boundaries and stop taking on so much.

  • Pushing my body to the brink with over-exercising and heavy volumes of stress, instead of learning how to listen to my body’s wants, slow down, and rest when needed.

  • Continuously investing in men who showed me they were not interested in or capable of meeting my needs, instead of spotting the red flags early and cutting my losses.

  • Staying at a job that was depleting and eating me alive (we’re talking crying-on-your-lunch-break levels of misery), instead of looking for something new and far more satisfying.

Can you relate to any of the above?

In each of these experiences, what might start off as a mild, restless, uncomfy itch would have to become a loud, scorching, torturous experience before I’d finally snap out of it and say, “OKAY, ENOUGH!”

And at that point, I’d feel like such an idiot for waiting so long to make the darn change already.

I wish I could say I am unique, or that this wait-for-Level-10-terrible experience is novel and specific to just me, but let’s be real…

Resistance to change and growth is dreadfully common.

Most women I know have a very hard time shifting, pivoting, and making the change – even when they know it’s what they need to do!

This is where GROWN comes in…

This program is miracle-gro for your next big move.




Joining GROWN
grants you access to…

  • Twice-monthly group coaching calls, to work with me directly and ask questions on what is coming up for you inside the container.

  • COACHING CALL #1: 1st Wednesday of the month @ 5pm EST

  • COACHING CALL #2: 3rd Thursday of the month @ 11am EST

  • Live teaching sprinkled in between our coaching calls, which you may attend or take in at your leisure.

  • A private online space to share wins, breakthroughs, and sticking points, so you can receive digital coaching from me and be seen, held, and celebrated by the larger sisterhood.

  • Free membership inside my private content community — Living & Breathing ($33/mo) where you can participate in live calls and take in additional content on a variety of topics that will support your journey inside GROWN.

See some of the upcoming teachings and themes we will be exploring together below.

Commitment & Investment

The program is structured and flows like an ongoing membership.

So you can take your time with the material, relax into our curated space, and stay continuously attuned to your pace, and your process.

When you enter GROWN you sign up for a minimum commitment of 6 months on the path, after which you can continue on month-to-month, and choose to leave whenever you feel complete.

The monthly fee for GROWN is:

$222 USD/month

GROWN will be most beneficial and impactful for you if…

  • You have historically struggled with codependency and are ready to shift those patterns.

  • You recognize your tendencies to self-abandon and override yourself, and want to put an end to it.

  • You desire to feel deeply rooted in your power and wholeness in all areas of your life.

  • You have pain and hurt related to the Mother Wound, and you’re ready to take responsibility for cleaning it up.

  • You want to strengthen your intuition and trust yourself, but feel a little lost regarding where to begin.

  • You have some big desires that are calling you forward right now, and you want to give them more fiery focus and attention.

  • You want to feel more calm and centered in your day-to-day life, no matter what is being throwing your way.

  • You deeply value honesty, and want to live as your most authentic, fully-expressed self.

  • You are not turned on by self-help “fluff”, and want to go on a deeper journey of personal excavation and healing — even if it means moving at a slower pace, and releasing ego-cravings for a quick fix.

What can you expect
on the other side of GROWN?

There is so much to be discovered and revealed through this deep, revelatory process.

While it’s impossible for me to tell you precisely what you’ll encounter or how you will transform along the way, what I do know is this:

You’ll learn how to intimately listen to and care for yourself, so no matter what’s unfolding in your life you can navigate what’s next, and have your own back along the way.

You’ll be able to trust yourself and make choices that feel right and aligned for you, free from constant doubts and self-questioning.

You’ll believe in yourself, and know that what you deeply desire is not only available, but meant for you.

You’ll befriend the unknown and stop fighting tirelessly to control that which you cannot control, instead flowing with life in a way that’s adventurous and exciting.

You’ll develop and hone your intuitive sight, so you can see and sense “through” your 3D reality, and identify underlying invitations and opportunities for expansion.

You’ll foster a relationship with your inner world and the Unseen realms, tethering yourself to the larger, intelligent web of life that’s always available to guide and support you.

You’ll foster caring relationships with other brilliant GROWN women, where you get to be seen, held, and celebrated.

You’ll have a map and myriad tools to anchor you back into your center, so you can know (and really feel) that you’ll always be okay, no matter what.

This path, she has a heartbeat.

She pulses and moves and quakes, shaking and waking you to forgotten wisdom, a lost language, that once rediscovered, has the power to reshape you (and your world) from the inside out.

 GROWN is the wild culmination of my ten years as a coach, and nearly thirty-seven years as a person walking the path of Feminine Initiation — for a long time, unknowingly.

When you are unknowingly walking a path of Initiation, very little makes sense or seems to “work” in the ways you want it to.

You often feel like something is missing, and no matter how much you seek things “out there” to satisfy the thirst and ache for you-don’t-even-know-what…nothing fills it up. Nothing “fixes” it.

 Should you choose to come into GROWN?

I cannot wait for your un-nameable thirst to be quenched. For that invisible ache to be met with understanding, love, truth, and generous space and guidance to make sense of it all.

The world of the Feminine is moonlit and mysterious.

GROWN serves as a warm, roaring lantern to light your way forward.

Click below if you’re ready
to take the first step.


  • Twice-monthly group coaching calls, to work with me directly and ask questions on what is coming up for you inside the container.

  • COACHING CALL #1: 1st Wednesday of the month @ 5pm EST

  • COACHING CALL #2: 3rd Thursday of the month @ 11am EST

  • Live teaching calls sprinkled in between our coaching calls, which you may attend or take in at your leisure.

  • A private online space to share wins, breakthroughs, and sticking points, so you may receive digital coaching from me and be seen, held, and celebrated by the larger sisterhood.

  • Free membership inside my private content community — Living & Breathing ($33/mo) where you can participate in live calls and take in additional content on a variety of topics that will support your journey inside GROWN.

<< Investment: $222 USD/month for 6 months >>