live workshop:

saturday, december 11 @ 1pm eST / 10am PST

here’s The sad reality for most of us:

The very idea of having a boundary-setting conversation with another human (or simply saying “no”) is enough to send our stomachs into knots, and our brains into an anxious frenzy.

Most of us never learned how to successfully set boundaries.

And what was modeled for us was anything but helpful or healthy.

Try as we might, our attempts at boundaries are often energetically sourced from a place of disconnection, self-protection, and separation…

(Falsely) believing that if we take care of ourselves, then everyone else loses.

And if we set a boundary, that means we’re alienating or abandoning others.

As if prioritizing your needs or caring for yourself is inherently selfish and unloving.

All of which?

Couldn’t be further from the truth.

the truth is:

healthy boundaries are oxygen for you, your relationships, and your ability to show up and play with life.

In a time where most people are wheezing their way through existence, let me show you how to revitalize your relationships, honor yourself, and get out of your own anxious way.

It’s time to preserve your peace, move from love, and pour your energy into all the right places and people.

WELCOME To the world of living, breathing, boundaries.


in this virtual workshop you will…

  • Claim your current range and capacity — accessing a level of embodied knowing that easily determines what specific boundaries need to be set, revised, and maintained in your world.

  • Get in touch with your raw, animal, instinct — identifying the parts of you that instinctively know how to advocate for yourself, communicate your needs, and adjust relationships with ease and agility.

  • Evaluate the “Solar System” of your life — getting honest about who and what is currently taking priority (it’s probably not what you think), and clarifying what changes need to be made.

  • Be introduced to your CLEAN YES and CLEAN NO learning how to communicate your boundaries from a place of personal power and open-hearted connection.

  • Say “bye bye” to guilt, manipulation, and violation — setting yourself up to approach hard conversations and challenging relationships with clarity, calm, and confidence.


when you know how to honor your living, breathing, boundaries…

💧 You have an inner guide and map for organizing your life, knowing what you need, and making aligned choices.

💧 You get to stop feeling responsible for everyone else, and quit enabling codependent relationships.

💧 You feel comfortable prioritizing your authentic needs and desires, and allowing the world to adjust accordingly.

💧 You can masterfully manage the tension and fear that often arises with boundary-setting and hard conversations.

💧 It’s easy to treat yourself with kindness and respect, and set a new standard in terms of what you allow from others.

💧 You get to experience aligned relationships that are supportive, loving, trustworthy, and mutually beneficial.

💧 You have more time and energy to spend doing what you love and sharing your unique magic with the world.

💧 You can experience compassion for yourself and others in a loving, powerful, non-codependent way.

💧 It’s easier to take risks and meet life head-on, knowing you have your own back and can deeply trust yourself.

Living, Breathing, Boundaries

is a model for relating through embodied truth

and Feminine connection.


Join me Saturday, December 11th @ 1pm EST / 10am PST

to revise and renew your boundaries and agreements as we move into a fresh new year.


  • This is a live 3-hour virtual workshop with me (Amy here!). You will receive a replay within 24 hours in the event that you cannot attend live, or want to review the material after the live workshop.

  • As with everything I teach and facilitate, radical self-honesty and self-responsibility are vital requirements. If you are easily triggered, defensive, and cannot be emotionally or energetically responsible for yourself, then we are likely not a good fit. Please be honest with yourself about your capacity in these areas before registering.

  • There are no refunds available for this live workshop, with no exceptions. Please be clear in your decision before registering.