TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12th @ 1 pm EST / 10 am PST


On this live call I’ll be sharing about one of the more intimate, extremely uncomfortable rites of passage I have traversed in my own Feminine Initiation.

I want (and need) to reintroduce myself as the woman I am today, and in doing so, illuminate the belief systems and values I uphold, as well as how I conduct my work in the world.

If you are interested in engaging with me or frequenting my corner of the internet moving into the new year, I encourage you to attend this live call.

If you are a client of mine, are in my coaching spaces, or are curious about working with me, I encourage you to attend this live call.

If you are a woman walking the path of Feminine Initiation, and you find yourself feeling wobbly in questioning your current identity, beliefs, and values as you explore and discover how the Feminine wants to move through you in this lifetime, I encourage you to attend this call.

Reasons you should not come to this call:

  • You are not genuinely interested or invested in learning from me or about me, and just want to watch or lurk out of curiosity.

  • You already feel a charge or impulse to educate me on why your belief system or worldview is correct, or why I should agree with a set ideology.

  • You have a hard time sitting with beliefs or perspectives that fall outside the scope of your own / mainstream culture, and are highly reactive or unable to regulate yourself.

The purpose of this call is to facilitate deeper connection and clarity, and offer my experience in a way that may prove helpful to your process.

Either that, or this call will give you the freedom to decide that potentially, I am not for you. (Which is really okay!)

*GULP* I look forward to seeing you on the 12th.

xo Amy