


this VIRTUAL training is perfect for you if…

  • Boundary-setting conversations (or merely flexing your “no” muscles) send you into an anxious spiral. Even when you do manage to clarify a boundary, you’re guilt-ridden and can’t stop thinking about what they’re probably saying behind your back. 😣

  • You’re the considerate, thoughtful, caregiving type, the kind everyone comes to for support or advice…but this can easily slip into codependent patterns if you’re not careful.

  • Despite all the healing and growth work you’ve done, you continue to carry resentment for various relationships where you feel that you were taken advantage of, used, or betrayed in some way. You very much want to resolve this and be free!

  • You are interested in embodiment and somatic work, and want to be able to “feel your feelings”, versus falling into analysis paralysis and treating yourself like a never-ending self-improvement project. Because that’s exhausting.

  • Speaking of exhausting — you. are. tired. Depleted. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. And can’t seem to pinpoint the exact root cause. You just know something’s off.

  • You have a habit of over-explaining yourself or justifying your needs to others (even with those who are committed to misunderstanding or dismissing you).

  • You tend to unconsciously override your instincts and intuition, even though you feel like you really should know better by now.

  • You’re ready to deeply examine your own self-sabotaging patterns, dismantle unconscious blocks and limitations, and meet yourself in new, empowered ways.

This virtual training is broken down into 3 parts.png

some fun, thrilling side effects of ‘breaking the cycle of self-abandonment’:

🌻 You gain greater access to your own intuitive knowing and inner guidance system, so making decisions and aligning with the “right” thing is easier than ever.

🌻 Your needs and desires will get clearer (and you actually feel worthy of them), so advocating for yourself becomes second nature.

🌻 Having boundary-setting conversations stops feeling so terrifying. You view these conversations as essential, loving, and necessary for sustaining high quality relationships.

🌻 Codependent or toxic relationship dynamics start getting cleaned up, transforming, and/or (in some cases) falling away entirely.

🌻 Patterns of shame, self-judgment, and self-criticism begin to detach and dissolve.

🌻 You learn how to stop taking things so personally.

🌻 You can experience compassion for yourself and others in a loving, powerful, non-codependent way.

🌻 You get to experience a level of freedom and sovereignty in your life that propels you to pursue your dreams, take risks, and meet life head-on.


  • This is a recording of a 4-hour live training with Amy. You have unlimited access to the materials once purchased, and will be entirely responsible for reviewing the training replay at your own pace, engaging with the material, and pacing yourself appropriately.

  • Radical self-honesty and self-responsibility are vital requirements for this work. If you want someone else to “fix” you or solve your problems, this training will not work for you. If you are easily triggered, defensive, and cannot be emotionally or energetically responsible for yourself, then we are likely not a good fit. Please be honest with yourself about your capacity to be challenged and create change.

  • There are no refunds available for this training, with no exceptions. Please be clear in your decision before registering.
