you deserve an amazing relationship

it’s time to get the love you long for

Photo by Julia Fay Photography

Photo by Julia Fay Photography


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Your love life is not doomed.

But once you get to a certain point, with a certain number of break-ups under your belt…it really starts to feel that way.

Like when you’re tidying up after dinner on a Friday night, clearing the plate of sad leftovers you made just for yourself, trying not to notice to the twinge of loneliness that hangs in the air.

With the sun setting outside you head for the couch, flop down in exhaustion, and mindlessly reach for the remote as your brain begins to cycle through some familiar, painful questions…


what’s wrong with me that i can’t seem to make a relationship last?




The sadness, the doom, and the gloom in those moments is so real. And no amount of “The Great British Bake-Off” manages to dull the pain.

The couch becomes a swirling pit of loneliness, heartache, dates gone wrong, and a painful, solitary future, all enmeshed into one.

I get it because I’ve been there, and I’ve guided hundreds of women through (and out of) that desolate, heartbreaking space.

And now I’m taking my signature group coaching program - Single & Slaying It - and turning it into a digital course for the New Year.

I want women all over the world (women exactly like you) to learn how to snap out of that bullshit cycle of pain and loneliness, so they can create the thrilling life, and passionate relationship, they deeply crave and deserve.

you’re meant for great love.

i’ll show you how to get it .


Can you relate to any (or all) of the following?

  • Feeling consistently lonely and less-than in the absence of a partner.

  • Swimming in fears that you’re just not “good enough”, or that “something must be wrong with you”.

  • Falling into obsession-mode and crushing on just about anyone, to temporarily distract yourself from sadness and insecurity.

  • Believing other women possess this magical key to confidence, or have some understanding of relationships and men, that you just don’t have (or at some point, lost).

  • Struggling with boundaries and having a hard time understanding and vocalizing your needs.

  • Frequently seeking outside validation - especially from the opposite sex - even though you know it doesn’t work in terms of legitimately increasing your self-esteem.

  • Wondering if you’re simply unfit for lasting love because of childhood wounds, or problematic attachment patterns.

  • Buying into the idea that “all the good guys are taken” and it’s just too late for you.

  • Avoiding putting yourself out there, and risking rejection because it sends you into a spiral of self-criticism and deep shame.

  • Zero fun, faith, or delight in your pursuit of Great Love. It’s all so stressful and pointless, so you’re preparing for the worst — a life of solo frustration and misery.


If it’s a, “Oh yuck, YES - that’s exactly where I am, and exactly how I feel,” then PERFECT.

Because I promise you, it doesn’t have to be that way.

And despite how you might feel sometimes:

You’re not crazy for still wanting lasting love, and life-long partnership.

You’re not wrong for hoping that a beautiful relationship can still happen for you.

Love and connection are two of the biggest reasons why we’re here.

But you and I both know that when you’re struggling in relationships with others, it’s largely because you struggle most in relationship to yourself. (Gulp.)

And if we’re being really honest:

Along with lasting love and partnership, most of the time what we, as women, actually want?

we just want to feel okay with ourselves.

To feel whole, Finally. Just as we are.

We want to feel fulfilled and satisfied independently, and to stop torturing ourselves over the fact that we haven’t found “the one” yet.

We want to stop the constant self-criticism, and no longer allow our self-worth to depend on our relationship status.

We want to quit comparing our lives to anyone else’s, wondering where we stack up in terms of how things “should” be…

No more should’s.

No more self-criticism.

No more feeling not good enough.

YES PLEASE — doesn’t that sound amazing?

In theory, sure…but can you actually have all of that?

Is it even possible?

UM, Duh. of course it’s possible.

Photo by Brianna Broyles

Photo by Brianna Broyles

but we gotta firm up your foundation.

Let me explain…

After going through a gut-wrenching break-up in 2015, I had reached the end of my relationship rope.

I caught myself in the same devastating loop that was all too familiar to me — getting lost in another guy, putting someone else’s needs above my own, going against my intuition…

And then being left heartbroken, with nothing to show for it.

I was so sick of my own BS, and knew that I need to make changes before I leapt into another dead-end relationship (in an effort to avoid the dreaded “single” stage).

So I created a “curriculum” of sorts, just for myself.

I committed to a new way of doing my solo life, vowing that I would never again fall into those same relationship traps.

For the first time in my life I prioritized myself and my goals, embraced being on my own, developed a solid self-care practice, and started actually following through.

I relentlessly practiced setting boundaries, and stopped making excuses for bad behavior or mistreatment (both other people’s, and my own).

I start developing more self-respect and healthy habits for increasing my self-esteem, instead of looking for outside validation and approval.

as a result, my entire life changed.

Not only did I wake up each day genuinely excited to tackle the next 24 hours, amped on the potent drugs of self-love and personal accountability—

But I started noticing a difference in how other people were responding to me…

More specifically: All these guy-people…who suddenly wanted to snag a date on my calendar…?

And these guys, well, they were more like men.

They were kind, attentive, hot, and had their shit together.

They were actively pursuing me, wanting to plan dates in advance, and always texting back.

My independent life had become so stellar and joyous, and my love life was quickly following suit…wtf?

Photo by Julia Fay Photography

Photo by Julia Fay Photography

What was going on?

Had I mysteriously entered a weird vortex of romantic un-suck?

After years of chasing the wrong guys and falling into relationships steeped in lopsided love, had I died and officially gone to legitimately-available-and-attentive-men heaven?

No, not at all.

I was just showing up as the confident, powerful, capable woman I had always wanted to be (and secretly always was).

Cause listen: When a woman shows up that way in the world — authentic, radiant, comfortable in her own skin, entirely empowered — fellas can’t help but take notice. And take interest.

They want in on that shit, because that shit is (unfortunately) so rare these days.

My love life and my life-life kept getting better and better, so after a year plus of testing these practices and infusing them into my one-on-one coaching work, I created the first iteration of “Single & Slaying It”.

It was a coaching program for women who YES, longed for love and wanted to have a beautiful, committed relationship with a wonderful partner—

But who ultimately understood that they needed to heal the relationship they had with themselves, and their independent lives, first.

Because if you aren’t willing to work on your solo stuff, any relationship you get into will just be a shaky house built on a crumbling foundation.

If you want to do the foundational work of relationship-building, and prime yourself for the rock solid, hot-and-healthy coupling of your dreams, this is the program for you.


Here’s an overview of what you can expect as a result of enrolling in the course:

  • Finally feeling worthy of the high quality love, commitment, and partnership you long for.

  • Being confident in yourself, excited for your future, and equipped to create life on your terms, with a supportive partner by your side.

  • Finding yourself attracting a whole new caliber of high quality men who want to woo you like the Queen you are.

  • Feeling accomplished and at peace everyday knowing you are actively working towards heart-centered goals, and taking epic good care of yourself in the process.

  • No longer avoiding hard conversations or potential conflict, you’re comfortable communicating your needs and setting healthy boundaries.

  • Ending habits of self-sabotage towards healthy connection (because old patterns of unworthiness and attraction to unavailability will be eradicated).

  • Eliminating your inner critic and stepping out of comparison, as well as any gnarly fears around rejection and failure.

  • Renewed trust in yourself, and in the joyous process of experiencing your greatest love yet.




And an exclusive BONUS MODULE

CREATE YOUR OWN CLOSURE: How to Heal Past Heartache and (Finally) Move On

You’ll have access to video modules where I will guide you through the necessary steps to transform in all of these areas, along with fool-proof practices, assignments, and worksheets to support you along the way.

But Amy — why transition SASI to a digital course format?

Photo by Asia Croson

Photo by Asia Croson

Great question!

I’ve been offering Single & Slaying It as a group coaching program since 2016, and have loved sharing these teachings with my amazing clients in that way.

In 2019 alone over 100 women have graduated from Single & Slaying It. These women, from all walks of life and all over the world, have experienced life-changing results because of our time together.

They’ve massively increased their confidence, acquired buckets of self-love, bravely walked away from broken relationships, started their own businesses, gotten into new, healthy, passionate partnerships - SO MUCH GOOD STUFF.

And while I have increased the group size over the years in an effort to serve as many women as possible, the program consistently sells out!

Which is awesome, but capping the program means that other women are unable to enroll, and are left out in the cold despite knowing that this is exactly what they need to transform their love lives.


So, at the request of many single women in my online community, I have decided to transfer all the tools and teachings into a stand-alone course that you can dive into all on your own, with no restrictions to access.

You’ll receive all the video modules, exercises, and tools you need to do this work in a way that suits your schedule, at your own pace, in the way that works best for you. It’s a win-win-win, all around.


LISTEN. I canNOt stress this enough…

Photo by Brianna Broyles

Photo by Brianna Broyles

Single & Slaying It is a whole picture reprogramming of everything that’s holding you back from showing up as your most powerful, confident, fun-loving self in your love life.

Because that is who your dream guy is looking for — he needs to see your sparkle, to feel your heart, and he wants to know that you’re a whole, happy, functional human (with or without him!).

He isn’t out there looking for some anxious, half-empty, version of you, so we want you operating at FULL-CUP CAPACITY.

Because when a woman knows how to fill up her cup, and courageously takes her solo life into her own hands, and then commits to renewing her romantic future, magic happens…

She’s driven and therefore hella desirable.

She’s her own person, and therefore completely captivating.

She’s unapologetic, and therefore undeniable.

He can’t resist a woman like that.





"This program will change your whole perspective on dating and relationships, because it’s so much more than that.

It’s about the relationship that you have with yourself and how that translates into all other areas in your life.

You’ll make some seriously mind blowing realizations about yourself and relationships and it’ll change your life."

“I learned how to trust my journey and how to trust myself. I learned how to dream big, set goals for myself, and be my own cheerleader. This program has changed my perspective and uplifted me in so many ways.”


"Amy assigns exercises designed to both demonstrate her philosophies and facilitate more self-awareness. But it's not hokey!

They’re fun and meaningful ways to get in touch with yourself and find greater purpose in life and love. I can't emphasize the 'fun' aspect enough..."

"As a result of doing this work, my overall demeanor has changed. I'm more confident in myself and my decisions and more comfortable in my own skin. I'm less affected by others, especially guys and dating. I feel positive and brave."

“DO NOT HESITATE. Sign up now. Amy leads with truth and grace, always encouraging, supportive, and insightful. Every week, there was so much juicy content. The more I invested my time and myself to the program, the benefits were exponentially returned.


Because of the nature of this content and how it is delivered, there are no refunds on digital courses.

As with any work focused on self-growth, what you put into this program is what you will get out of it. The last thing I want is for you to enroll and then discover that you can’t, or don’t, commit fully. Please think about what is in your best interest at this time, and if you have the bandwidth and capacity to be accountable to your own transformation and desired future.

If you have questions, you are welcome to email my team and we’ll figure out if SASI is a good fit for you: