big enough

10 Weeks together, stretching into a life that’s

for all of you.

The S P A C I O U S woman is insatiable...

She has a lust and appetite for life and Soul-level fulfillment that cannot be tamed or contained.

She wants.

She needs.

She thinks and feels and talks, a lot.

She is curious, driven, and passionate.

She sees and senses every. little. thing.

The S P A C I O U S woman is allergic to settling, and has no interest in “ordinary”.

One might think she’s an endangered species on this planet, but she’s not..

It’s just that most S P A C I O U S women?

We’re in hiding...

We hide behind sneaky, self-sabotaging inner dialogue like:

“I should just be grateful and happy with what I have...”

“I can be okay with this... I should be okay with this...”

“Nobody is really happy with their life / in their career / in their relationship...the struggle is normal...”

We hide behind self-sufficiency and keeping it together; appearing virtually need-less.

We hide behind being relatable, agreeable, and fitting in — never wanting to make anyone else uncomfortable. Ever.

Instead, we take our S P A C I O U S, effervescent selves, and we cram ‘em inside a societally-approved box, not daring to un-cork our genuine desires, or live into our longings aloud, at full volume...

For the S P A C I O U S woman, the struggle is very real.

Once upon a time, she learned (mistakenly!) that her depth, her sensitivity, her desires, her needs, her unbridled BIG-ness...

All that stuff, the vibrant fabric of her Soul, her brazen wants…

It was all way too much.

She was way, way, too much…

Because at that time, as just a sweet ‘n’ s p a c i o u s litle girl, she noticed that when she was her true, uncensored, loud-and-proud self...

Sometimes, it overwhelmed people.

They might contract, or pull way.

She might even be punished, shamed, or made wrong for simply being herself.

As a result, she began playing the devastating game of:


Shrinking, shape-shifting, and shutting down often look like…


You have a hard being open about what’s actually true for you...or even knowing what’s true for you.

Because if you totally un-edited yourself, and admitted what’s really going know it would have an impact.

When we can’t identify and share our truth, we often wind up tolerating environments, individuals, and experiences that are deeply misaligned.

As a result we frequently feel lost, unseen, and under-acknowledged.


You feel a lot, and you feel things deeply. Sometimes it’s just easier to stay busy, stuff those pesky feelings down, or numb out. Doom-scrolling and snacks, anyone?

But when we avoid or suppress what we feel, we wind up anxious, overwhelmed, and exhausted. And we miss out on so much inner wisdom and information about what we want, what we need, and what works for us.

Your emotions are not the problem; they are the gateway to every solution you’ve been looking for.


For someone who’s used to shrinking and shape-shifting, it becomes second nature to prioritize taking care of others over consistently considering and caring for yourself.

You might not even know what you need, or feel overwhelmed at the idea of “self-care”.

But when we neglect and ignore our needs, we become resentful, frustrated, and depleted.

Taking care of ourselves doesn’t need to be burdensome or boring…it’s one of the swiftest ways we increase self-worth and self-esteem.


Your desires for yourself and your life are big, and therefore…confronting.

It’s hard to let yourself tap into the what you truly want, because it brings up all kinds of fears, limitations, and concerns.

What if you can’t have what you want? What if it’s too late? What if you don’t deserve it? What if you fail?

When we can’t be honest about what we desire, we lose our zest and vitality for life! And get stuck in a beige existence that’s stifling, dull, and not like us.

So what’s the solution?

Stop the shrinky-dink madness.

And start. making. space.

More truth.

More authenticity.

More of your needs,

More of your desires….

{spacious} is the land of unlimited permission and possibility.

Where you get to be all of yourself, and be wildly rewarded for it.

Program details:

  • {spacious} kick-off: January 19th, 2025

  • 10 weeks together

  • 5 Teaching modules

  • 5 Group coaching calls

    • Exact call time TBD; will be on Sundays.

  • Private member hub in Mighty Networks.

Who is {spacious} for?

For the woman who refuses to settle, who was born to be big, whose appetite for a deeply rich, meaningful life and exquisite, Soul-satisfying love knows no bounds…

{spacious} is going to rock your world.

Cause let’s be real for a moment:

It's not always easy being this kind of woman in the world.

Most of us learn to make ourselves smaller in efforts to stay safe, or earn love...subconsciously diminishing our needs, sidelining our wants, and censoring our truth, to accommodate and keep the peace with others.

When really, we need to train ourselves to do the exact opposite.

We need to take up more space, allow and approve of all parts of ourselves -- our sensitivities, our needs, our desires, our truths, our longings, ALL OF IT! -- and allow our unbridled, unapologetic radiance to serve as a brilliant, automatic filter for magnetizing (and releasing) what wants to stay (or go)...

{spacious} is for the woman who cannot, for even one more moment, abandon herself or pretend to be someone other than exactly who she is.

It's for the woman who knows she is meant for more, and who wants to get out of her own way in calling that forward, and bringing it into reality.

If you’re tired of playing small
when you know you were born to be big, then this is the space for you.

Enrollment is Closed